During my last four projects or so, the teams I worked with were always using GO.CD as the CD tool of their choosing. Although the pipeline state visualisation GO.CD comes with is quite nice, it still doesn’t cut it as a proper, obvious build monitor enabling everybody in the team to quickly recognize what is the pipeline status.
Therefore first cidar, a simple sinatra based build monitor, has been born. I quickly discovered that sinatra and especially the nokogiri dependency, doesn’t make it easy to use e.g. a Raspberry Pi as the monitor hardware. So, having the liberty, I decided to re-implement everything in JavaScript using node.js & express. Burstah , my second attempt at the ultimative build monitor, has been born :grin:
All the necessary information how to use, install or contribute can be found in Burstah’s readme.
Currently Burstah has following features:
- Polling for the cctray.xml to recognize the pipelines and their status
- Grabbing the commit details directly out of the GO.CD and presenting them
- Providing an animation when the build is running
- Supporting emojis in the commit messages :thumbsup:
If you have any wishes or issues, just write stuff down on the github issues page.